Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Ultimate American Experience!!!!

My family and I were lucky enough to go to Disneyland the week before Christmas, I was excited for my kids as I knew they would have the time of their lives, however I was not expecting to have quite the experience I did!
I had never really wanted to go to Disneyland because I hate waiting for rides and having to push my way through crowds just to go on something that is gong to make you feel ill!! But this was not the way it was for us, it was pouring rain in the morning and we all got drenched but the kids got to go on all the rides they wanted because nobody else was crazy enough to weather the storm!
It did clear up in the afternoon and did get busy so we went in search of characters. We went to Toon Town and I was genuinely excited when I saw Minnie & Mickey, we got their autographs and moved on to Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore (childhood heroes of mine) and although my mind was telling me these were just people in costume, my heart was telling me dreams can come true!
I guess Disney really do know what they are doing and have perfected this fine art of making anything seem possible. It was an experience I will never forget, thanks Walt Disney for your vision.


gravetti said...

I am glad that you had such a good time. It is nice when we can set aside all our adult crap for a little while and just enjoy life.

Disneyland rocks!!!

Stenquist Family said...

ya im jealous!!!!!!!!! Wish i was there. glad the kids got to go. Hey where is all your photos?