Friday, January 23, 2009

why do we do such things?

Ok, so I thought it would be a good idea to get braces and finally have the strait teeth I have always dreamed of,
well I was very excited about this endeavour at first and didn't care how much it was going to hurt!!! That was until my lips were so swollen and full of sores I could hardly talk! At that point I wondered why do we do such things???
Well of course the answer is vanity, and giving way to the American dream!
It will only take a mere 18 months for my miracle smile to appear, and then there will be no more pictures of me not wanting to smile, or at least there better not be since I am paying 4 thousand bucks for my American smile!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Ultimate American Experience!!!!

My family and I were lucky enough to go to Disneyland the week before Christmas, I was excited for my kids as I knew they would have the time of their lives, however I was not expecting to have quite the experience I did!
I had never really wanted to go to Disneyland because I hate waiting for rides and having to push my way through crowds just to go on something that is gong to make you feel ill!! But this was not the way it was for us, it was pouring rain in the morning and we all got drenched but the kids got to go on all the rides they wanted because nobody else was crazy enough to weather the storm!
It did clear up in the afternoon and did get busy so we went in search of characters. We went to Toon Town and I was genuinely excited when I saw Minnie & Mickey, we got their autographs and moved on to Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore (childhood heroes of mine) and although my mind was telling me these were just people in costume, my heart was telling me dreams can come true!
I guess Disney really do know what they are doing and have perfected this fine art of making anything seem possible. It was an experience I will never forget, thanks Walt Disney for your vision.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

We love them, they love us!

I had a conversation with my Dad on the telephone today, during which he told me how the election news had been on British TV as much as it had been here!
I do not claim to be political in any way, and since I am not a citizen I could not vote anyway, but it did make me laugh to think that as much as the British would hate to admit it, they love America and all that goes on here, and as I joked to my Dad, "you know you all want to be American really!"
I guess it always amazes me how we always love the look of the other side of the fence, and I am fortunate enough to have a foot on both sides! Although I do get splinters in awkward places from sitting on it so much!!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Mary Kay Weekend!

Well I just got home from my "Fall Camp" Mary Kay weekend. It was a weekend full of motivational speeches and tear jerking personal stories from some wonderful women. It was my first time going to anything like this, and I have to say that I was quite impressed by the things I learnt and felt, not just about how to improve my business, but also how to improve myself and my relationships with my family and friends.
When my friends and I first arrived at the hotel we felt kind of dumb, we sheepishly said, "yes we are with the Mary Kay party", but by the end of the weekend I was actually quite proud to be a part of a company that has helped so many women make something out of their lives and continues to grow despite the current economic crisis!!
So...yet another part of my life becomes Americanised, as I sat with all the other crazy Mary Kay ladies and had hoopla weekend, full of clapping and cheering like crazy women at other people's ahievements, it was GREAT!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

living in America

Well I just wanted to write down a few of my thoughts on life in America. Lots of people ask me what the biggest differences are between England and the U.S. and it gets kind of hard to remember all the little things that in the beginning were a big deal, but now I don't even think about.
I think at first my biggest shock was the blank expression I would get from people when I spoke! I just couldn't believe that I wasn't being understood, what was wrong with these people? I could understand them!!!
I don't think my little town in the middle of nowhere accent was all that common here in Orem Utah, so eventually I got over it and began to forgive people for their ignorance, after all, I am the alien..... right?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

being dragged into the computer age

Well, I didn't even know what a blog was a couple of months ago, and now I have set one up!! I even set it up by myself, no cries to my husband of "I can't do this" or "this stupid computer won't do what I want it to"
So yes I am quite proud of myself.
We shall see how it goes as I try to add pictures etc, there may be blue language ahead!!